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YCTA Annual Memberships Due Each September 30!

Yom Chi Taekwon-Do Association memberships are due each September 30.  Your annual dues support our organization as it offers standardized training curriculum and referee certification, hosts special events, supports state tournaments, and provides an online forum for martial arts practitioners. 


Family discounts are available: $30 for first family member, and $15 each for additional members.


Memberships received after September 30 must include a $5 late fee.

Attention Students of All Ages:  Scholarship Award 

If you're in elementary, middle school, junior high, high school, or college, bring your grade reports to share and celebrate your successes!


If you have at least one A and nothing lower than a B, you'll receive a gold star to attach to your rank belt!  


Year-End Party December 16

All ​Red River students are welcome! Join us for shenanigans and fun competition on Monday, December 16 with games of skill and silliness!


Contact Mrs. Cook with any questions or post a message in our Facebook group.


After the party, we'll give homework assignments, answer questions, and work on any techniques you're having trouble with.


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